category: E-com & Shopping

Indian Terrain

Indian Terrain Voucher Worth INR 2000


Indian Terrain
  1. E-Gift voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.
  2. E-Gift Vouchers are redeemable at Indian Terrain Exclusive branded Stores only. E-Gift vouchers cannot be redeemed at Indian Terrain Multi branded outlet or Indian Terrain website ( For store details refer address as follows -
  3. E-Gift Vouchers are redeemable all days of the week.
  4. E-Gift voucher has to be mandatorily submitted at Indian Terrain store billing desk before the billing starts.
  5. Gift Vouchers can be clubbed with the ongoing offers & schemes.
  6. The Validity period of the E Gift Voucher will not be extended under any circumstances. 
  7. This E-Gift Voucher has to be redeemed in full in a single billing. Partial redemption is not allowed. Unutilized balance, if any, will not be refunded in any medium.
  8. Multiple E-Gift Vouchers upto 5 vouchers can be clubbed and be used in a single billing transaction.
  9. In case there is a balance amount to be paid after E-Gift voucher redemption, the customer must pay the balance amount with taxes applicable. 
  10. For any return of the product bought using the voucher, the exchanges will be given for the value paid by the customer plus the voucher value.
  11. This E Gift Voucher is not redeemable for cash or credit nor can be exchanged for a gift voucher/gift card. Refund of money against the E-Gift voucher will not be entertained.
  12. For any query or issue in redeeming voucher contact 08068404480 or write to
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