category: Home & Kitchen


Pigeon Therma Fresh Borosilicate Glass 3 Piece Square...



Therma Fresh Tiffin box from Pigeon- The quality, style and true value for money is what makes the entire range absolutely unique. Therma Fresh is the epitome of highest quality standards and craftsmanship. Unlike other plastic tiffin’s, these tiffin/lunch set does not leech chemicals into the stored food while keeping fresh and nutritious for extended periods of time. The Therma Fresh tiffin/lunch set is highly durable and will last for a long time, even with regular use. It comes with a sturdy bag for easy handling (portable). With this elegant design you can be keep your product in any position.

  • Stackable and air / liquid tight
  • Easily portable
  • Crystal clarity even after repeated usage
  • Adjustable Belt for easy handling
  • Dishwasher safe
  • 320 ML capacity
  • Material Glass
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